Thursday, March 5, 2009

Shirts Trousers & Waistcoats

For pants in fabric 60 inches wide, size under 42 regular, we need 2 yards.

For sizes between 42 regular and 52 regular, we need 2.5 yards.

For sizes between 54 regular and 62 regular, we need 3 yards.

For sizes above 62 regular, we need 4 yards

In 45 inch wide fabric, for size under 42 regular, we need 3 yards.

For sizes between 42 regular and 52 regular, we need 3.5 yards.

For sizes between 54 regular and 62 regular, we need 4 yards.

For sizes above 62 regular, we need 5 yards.

How much fabric is required for a Shirt

For Shirts, in 60 inch wide fabric, size 50 and below..we need 2.25 yards

In 45 inch wide fabric, size 50 and below, we need 3.25 yards

For sizes above 50 regular, add 1 yard and for sizes above 60 regular, add 1.5 yards

Add 0.5 yards if there are large stripes or patterns such as checks in the fabric.

For more details, Please contact us us for confirmation of fabric quantity required.

How much fabric is required for a waistcoat?

For Waistcoats in fabric 60 inches wide, size under 42 regular, we need 1.5 yards.

For sizes between 42 regular and 52 regular, we need 2 yards.

For sizes between 54 regular and 62 regular, we need 2.5 yards.

For sizes above 62 regular, we need 3 yards

In 45 inch wide fabric, for size under 42 regular, we need 2 yards.

For sizes between 42 regular and 52 regular, we need 3 yards.

For sizes between 54 regular and 62 regular, we need 3.5 yards.

For sizes above 62 regular, we need 4 yards

How much fabric is required for a Suit?

For your reference for a person under 50 regular in size, under 6 feet in height, the fabric required for two and three piece suits is as follows..

57-60-inch width of fabric... 5 yards
Add .5 yards if fabric has large stripes and 1 yard if fabric has large checks or plaid patterns.

Add .5 yard if size above 50 regular up to 54 regular and 1.5 yards if above 54 regular to 58 regular. Add 2 yards if size above 60 regular to 64 regular.

For long sizes, add .5 yards to the quantity required for regular sizes. Hence 50 long will require 5.5 yards while 50 regular requires 5 yards in solid colour 60 inch wide fabric.

Add .5 yards if size long and 1 yard if size extra long.

For extra pants add 2 yards in solid, 2.25 yards in large stripe and 2.5 yards in large checks in 57-60 inch wide fabric for a 50 regular size.

Above 58 regular, add a further .5 yards to the quantity required for regular sizes and above 64 regular, add 1 yard to quantity required for regular sizes.

For a vest single or double breasted, for 50 regular and under in size, add 1 yard in solids, 1.25 yards in stripes and 1.5 yards in checks. If the vest has lapels, add an extra .5 yards.

For sizes for vests above 50 and under 58, add an extra .75 yards and for sizes from
58 and above, add an additional 1 yard.

45-inch width of fabric ... 6.5 yards

Add 1.5 yards if fabric has large stripes and 2.5 yard if fabric has large checks or plaid patterns.

Add 1.5 yard if size above 50 regular up to 54 regular and 2.5 yards if above 54 regular to 58 regular.

Add 3 yards if size above 60 regular to 64 regular.

For long sizes, add 1.5 yards to the quantity required for regular sizes. Hence 50 long will require 7.5 yards while 50 regular requires 6 yards in solid colour 60 inch wide fabric.

Add 1.5 yards if size long and 2 yard if size extra long.

For extra pants add 3 yards in solid, 3.5 yards in large stripe and 4 yards in large checks in 45 inch wide fabric for a 50 regular size. Above 58 regular, add a further .5 yards to the quantity required for regular sizes and above 64 regular, add 1 yard to quantity required for regular sizes.

For a vest single or double breasted, for 50 regular and under in size, add 2 yard in solids, 2.25 yards in stripes and 2.5 yards in checks. If the vest has lapels, add an extra 1 yards.

For sizes for vests above 50 and under 58, add an extra 1.25 yards and for sizes from 58 and above, add an additional 1.5 yards.